Sabtu, 31 Maret 2012

bank health analysis using Camels

According to the law of Indonesia number 10 year 1998 dated 10 November 1998 on the banks, which meant the bank was "a business entity that mengimpu funds from the public in the form of savings and channel them to the public in the form keredit or other forms in order to improve the standard of living many "(cashmere, banking management, PT RadjaGrafindo Jakarta, 23:2002).
From the definition above can be explained more broadly that the bank is a company engaged in the financial sector, that is always related to activity in the field berbankan keuangan.Sehingga talk about the bank is not free from financial problems.
Basically the bank is an intermediary between the lembga the excess funds, a sector that lack dana.Bank receive deposits of funds from surplus funds pihaka ayang (eg in the form of savings or deposits) and its channel-pihaka kepihak that need funding (in loans). Funds held on bank, the "surplus" to receive compensation in the form of interest (interest), the other disis "minus" the use of funds from the bank must pay interest on the bank. Bank profits derived from the difference between interest earned (on loans) and interest incurred (for perade depositors or savers)
The first banking activities is to gather public darai the world known as the founding banks. Understanding the intention is to collect funds to collect or raise funds by way of buy the wider community.
Purchase of public funds is done by the bank by way of memasanag various strategies that people want to invest their funds in the form of deposits. Types of deposits that can be selected by the community is like a checking, savings, certificates of deposit, and time deposits.
After obtaining the funds in the form of deposits from the public, then the funds prbankan played or sold back to the community in bnetuk loan or credit ore known as (Lending).
the provision of credit is also subject to receiving a loan service credit (the debtor) dala form of interest and costs administrasi.sedangakan for banks based on sharia principles can be based on profit sharing or equity participation.
Besides, banks also perform support services activities lainya.jasa-services are provided to support the smooth operation of collecting and distributing funds, which are directly related to savings and credit activities and indirectly.

Like human beings, where health is the most important things in life. A healthy body will not enhance the ability of other capabilities. Similarly, banks should always be considered healthy to stay fit in serving its clients.
To assess a bank's health can be viewed from various aspects. This assessment aims to determine whether the bank is in good shape, pretty healthy, less healthy and unhealthy, so that Bank Indonesia as the supervisor of banks and the coach can provide direction or guidance how your bank should be run or even stopped their operations.
Health assessment to determine the size of the bank has been determined by the Bank Indonesia.Kepada banks are required to make good laporaan routine or regular basis on all activities within a given period.
Bank health assessments performed each year, is there an increase or penurunan.Bagi bank whose health continues to increase not matter, because that is what is expected and continues to maintain his health. But for persistent bank is not healthy, it must have pengrahan or warning from Bank Indonesia as the watchdog and Patrons banks.
Bank Indonesia may be advised to make management changes, mergers, consolidation, acquisition, or even liquidate its existence if it is severe kondoisi health of banks.
To obtain these data, the authors mengguanakan method as follows:
1. method of Documentation
Is looking for and examining references of books, literature, literature, records or scientific writing laiinya materials that can assist authors in preparing scientific writing.
2. Field Study Methods
Is the process of collecting data that will give an outline of the object of research. In this field study conducted among others:
a. Observations (Observation)
Ie by approaching the company directly to research motorcycles
b. Interview (Interview)
That is by discussion and question and answer directly to do with people who kompoten field, particularly in the areas of research oblek.
c. questionnaire
Namely by distributing questionnaires as your scientific about things related to the management that will be answered by staff from the question.

The analysis tools is the author of CAMELS method, by counting komponenya Msing each, as follows:
a) Capital (C)
- CAR (Capital Adequacy Ratio)

CAR = (Total Capital) / (Total Risk-Weighted Assets) x 100%
b) Assets (A)
- BDR (Bad Debt Ratio)
- CAD (Reserves Assets Classified)
c) Management (M)
- Contains the questions that come from Bank Indonesia
d) Earning (E)
- ROA (Return On Assets)

ROA = (Profit before tax) / (average total assets) x 100%
- BOPO (Operations of the National Revenue Agency)

BOPO = (Operating Expenses) / (Operating Income) X 100%
e) Liquidity (L)
- LDR (Loan to Deposit Ratio)

LDR = (Total Loans) / (total deposits) X 100%
- Call Money
f) Solvability
-Measuring-rsio balance sheet ratios and the extent to which the loan is used for capitalization
- Through the approach to income ratios.

Scientific benefits of writing this is:
1. Academic benefits
Deepening pengatahuan author about the rating of the bank by using the CAMELS method.
2. Practical benefits
In order for the analysis of the calculation can be studied in comparison to calculations done by the bank concerned.